Custom Built Pallet Conveyor Line


Southeast USA

orCall 704-288-1904


ManufacturerCustom Built
ModelPallet Conveyor Line
Stock Number009525


This line is for sale as one lot.

1. Vertical Reciprocating Conveyor (VRC)

  - 106x80x72

  - Roller Dimensions: 94x3 inch diameter

  - 72" wide roller deck

2. Chain Transfer Conveyor

  - Space between rollers is 4 feet (size of        Transfer deck)

  - Rollers on each side measure 94x3. 

   - Roller housings on each side measure 72x96x26. 

   -Total dimensions: 72x224x26.

3. Straight chain driven Conveyor

  - 72x100x26

  - 8' rollers

4. 360° rotating turntable conveyor

  -Base dimensions: 74x58

  -Roller dimensions: 40x3

  - Conveyor Dimensions: 72x48x26

5. Straight belt driven conveyors (4 of them)

  - 54x12x12

*belts not included*

6. Curved belt driven Conveyor

  - Exterior curve: 224x48x26

  - Rollers are 40" long and vary from 2-4.5" wide along curve. 

7. Line conveyors (2) 

   - 144x36x24

  - Rollers available for this

8. Stacked rollers 


  - Roller dimensions: 80x3

9. Straight Gravity Rollers (18 of them)

  - 148x36x6.25

These rollers were stacked 4 high. Legs are available to stack them or they will work in line. 222' run consisting of 18 pieces. 


10. 32' decline belt conveyor - This has damage. See last photo.